This code uses data taken from a MYSQL database and makes a piechart from it. I did the MYSQL mods and a guy named Xiao did the pie chart. The PHP install on the webserver has to be compiled with the GD, Freetype2, and libjpeg (libpng looks better for graphs IMHO). To make the graph appear just access it like its a picture file.
<?php // Example of html to access the bar graph in html:/******************************** 2D Pie Chart Version 1.0 Programer: Xiao Bin Zhao E-mail: [email protected] Date: 03/31/2001 All Rights Reserved 2001. ********************************/ /*************Configuration Starts Here******************/ $chartTitle = "Percentage of Products in Database"; //pie chart name /*************************End****************************/ /*****************For Programers Only********************/ $imageWidth = 600; //image width $imageHeight = 400; //image height $diameter = 250; //pie diameter $centerX = 225; //pie center pixels x $centerY = 225; //pie center pixels y $labelWidth = 10; //label width, no need to change /*************************End****************************/ //db connection info. $dbuser = 'db'; $dbhost = ''; $dbpass = 'poe23451!@#'; $dbname = 'test'; $mysql_link = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die ("Could not connect"); //connect to db mysql_select_db ($dbname) or die ("DB select failed"); //select db $query1 = "select productname, count(*) as groupcount from product group by productname"; //get product count by groups of products $query2 = "select count(*) as countammount from product"; //get the ammount of products in the db $result1 = mysql_db_query($dbname,$query1); //queryresult1 $result2 = mysql_db_query($dbname,$query2); //queryresult2 $result3 = mysql_db_query($dbname,$query1); //queryresult3 $num_products = mysql_num_rows($result1); //count number of products while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result2)) //put total ammount of products in db from query in a var { $dataTotal = $row[countammount]; } function circlePoint( $deg, $dia ) { $x = cos( deg2rad( $deg ) ) * ( $dia / 2 ); $y = sin( deg2rad( $deg ) ) * ( $dia / 2 ); return array( $x, $y ); } $im = ImageCreate( $imageWidth, $imageHeight ); //make image area //color array for chart. addmore colors if you have more data than colors below. $color[] = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 255, 0, 0 ); //red $color[] = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 255, 204, 0 );//yellow $color[] = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 153, 204, 0 );//green $color[] = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 153, 51, 255 );//purple $color[] = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 0, 128, 255 );//blue $color[] = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 255, 0, 128 );//pink $color[] = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 153, 51, 255 );//purple $color[] = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 192, 192, 192 );//grey $color[] = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 204, 204, 0 ); $color[] = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 64, 128, 128 ); $color[] = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 204, 102, 153 ); $white = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 255, 255, 255 ); $black = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 0, 0, 0 ); $grey = ImageColorAllocate( $im, 215, 215, 215 ); ImageFill( $im, 0, 0, $white ); //make image background $degree = 0; /********************************** make the pie chart with percentages **********************************/ $i=-1; //set color array counter while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result1)) { $i < sizeof( $row ); $i++; //counter for color array $startDegree = round( $degree ); $degree += ( $row[groupcount] / $dataTotal ) * 360; $endDegree = round( $degree ); $currentColor = $color[ $i % ( count( $color ) ) ]; ImageArc( $im, $centerX, $centerY, $diameter, $diameter, $startDegree, $endDegree, $currentColor ); list( $arcX, $arcY ) = circlePoint( $startDegree, $diameter ); ImageLine( $im, $centerX, $centerY, floor( $centerX + $arcX ), floor( $centerY + $arcY ), $currentColor ); list( $arcX, $arcY ) = circlePoint( $endDegree, $diameter ); ImageLine( $im, $centerX, $centerY, ceil( $centerX + $arcX ), ceil( $centerY + $arcY ), $currentColor ); $midPoint = round( ( ( $endDegree - $startDegree ) / 2 ) + $startDegree ); list( $arcX, $arcY ) = circlePoint( $midPoint, $diameter / 1.5 ); ImageFillToBorder( $im, floor( $centerX + $arcX ), floor( $centerY + $arcY ), $currentColor, $currentColor ); //joe: i added -6 to center %'s better ImageString( $im, 2, floor( $centerX + $arcX - 6 ), floor( $centerY + $arcY - 6 ), intval( round( $row[groupcount] / $dataTotal * 100 ) ) . "%", $black ); } /********************************** setup for the menu and print title **********************************/ $labelX = $centerX + $diameter / 2 + 10; $labelY = $centerY - $diameter / 4; $titleX = $labelX - $diameter / 4; $titleY = $centerY - $diameter / 2; //ImageString( $im, 3, $titleX + 1, $titleY + 1, $chartTitle, $grey ); ImageString( $im, 3, $titleX, $titleY, $chartTitle, $black ); //print chart title ImageString( $im, 1, $labelX, $titleY + 14, date( "Y-m-d H:i:sa" ), $black ); //print date /********************************** make the menu,lables,totals **********************************/ $i=-1; //set color array counter while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result3)) { $i < sizeof( $row1 ); $i++; //counter for color array $currentColor = $color[ $i % ( count( $color ) ) ]; ImageRectangle( $im, $labelX, $labelY, $labelX + $labelWidth, $labelY + $labelWidth, $black ); ImageFilledRectangle( $im, $labelX + 1, $labelY + 1, $labelX + $labelWidth, $labelY + $labelWidth, $currentColor ); ImageString( $im, 2, $labelX + $labelWidth + 5, $labelY, $row1[productname], $black ); //ImageString( $im, 2, $labelX + $labelWidth + 60, $labelY, $row1[groupcount], $black ); $labelY += $labelWidth + 2; } /********************************** make the total **********************************/ ImageString( $im, 3, $labelX, $labelY, "Total:", $black ); ImageString( $im, 3, $labelX + $labelWidth + 60, $labelY, $dataTotal, $black ); //ImageString( $im, 2, $labelX, $labelY + 15, $logo, $black ); Header( "Content-type: image/jpeg" ); //output image Imagejpeg( $im ); ImageDestroy( $im ); //remove image from memory ?>