OpenBSD will do security updates to the software on their distributions when it is deemed necessary. I found that this was the best way to check for the new updated software packages for my release. The security-announce mailing list they have might do this also but I found this eaiser to do.
This script was made to check on OpenBSD package updates by checking a website that has the packages available. These sites would be the normal http distro sites packages directory. This script will need the GNU program "wget" and the ability to write 1 file to disk. If it finds an updated package date from the last time it was run it will e-mail what packages were updated. Have a cron job run this script as often as you like.
#!/usr/bin/perl # Timestamp filename/path for keeping last time package times were checked $lastcheck_date_time_filename = "/usr/local/bin/check_date"; # OpenBSD version to check. This is the only thing you have to change # between OpenBSD version changes. So you don't have to change your url below. $version = "3.9"; # http URL of site to get packages file list from. # Usually a OpenBSD mirror site. Use $version var above for easy # version change in the url. Change your arch at the end to suite your needs. # Example url: # Example with var:$version/packages/i386/ $url_of_filelist = "$version/packages/i386/"; # Path to Wget binary. -q for quite and -T timeout of 15 secs # -t3 for 3 trys. "-O -" outputs to stdout. $wget = "wget -q -T5 -t3 -O -"; # Fill out where you want the notification e-mail to go. # These work with Sendmail/Postfix. Sendmail symlink has to be there for postfix. # Put commas between multiple e-mail addresses for a to, cc, or bcc list. $from='[email protected]' unless $from; $to='[email protected]' unless $to; $cc='' unless $cc; $bcc='' unless $bcc; $sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t" unless $sendmail; # Hash for letter to number date conversion %Month=("Jan" => "01", "Feb" => "02", "Mar" => "03", "Apr" => "04", "May" => "05", "Jun" => "06", "Jul" => "07", "Aug" => "08", "Sep" => "09", "Oct" => "10", "Nov" => "11", "Dec" => "12" ); # Get current local time ($Cur_Second, $Cur_Minute, $Cur_Hour, $Cur_Day, $Cur_Month, $Cur_Year, $Cur_WeekDay, $Cur_DayOfYear, $IsDaylightSavings) = localtime(time); # Correct formating of local time with 0 pad's and year and month correction. $Cur_Month += 1; $Cur_Year += 1900; if ($Cur_Month < 10) { $Cur_Month = "0" . $Cur_Month; } if ($Cur_Hour < 10) { $Cur_Hour = "0" . $Cur_Hour; } if ($Cur_Minute < 10) { $Cur_Minute = "0" . $Cur_Minute; } if ($Cur_Second < 10) { $Cur_Second = "0" . $Cur_Second; } if ($Cur_Day < 10) { $Cur_Day = "0" . $Cur_Day; } # Assemble a current date/time stamp $Cur_date_time= $Cur_Year . $Cur_Month . $Cur_Day . $Cur_Hour . $Cur_Minute; # If date-time check file does not exist create file with current date-time. if (! -e $lastcheck_date_time_filename) { write_current_date(); } # If date-time last check file exists and is readable get the date-time of last check if (-e $lastcheck_date_time_filename && -r $lastcheck_date_time_filename) { open(LAST_CHECK1, "$lastcheck_date_time_filename") or die("Cannot Open File. Permissions?"); while ( <LAST_CHECK1> ) { if (/^\d{12}$/) { $last_check_date_time = $_; } else { die("File format in date check file: $lastcheck_date_time_filename incorrect."); } } close(LAST_CHECK1); } %package_date_hash =(); # Open html file with an index listing of .tgz files from an apache server. Check file # dates and times. If they are later then the last time we checked then the packages are # new and the package name and date/time are put in a hash. $? var checks return value from wget. # <IMG SRC="/icons/compressed.gif" ALT="[ ]"> <A HREF="zope-2.7.4.tgz">zope-2.7.4.tgz</A> 04-Sep-2005 20:29 4.8M open(IN, "$wget $url_of_filelist |") or die ("Problem getting remote file. Did Wget retrieve the file ok?"); while ( <IN> ) { if (/.tgz/) { ($pack_name,$pack_day,$pack_month,$pack_year,$pack_hour,$pack_min) = ($_ =~ /href\=\"(.*\.tgz)\".*\<\/a\>.* (\d+)\-(\w+)\-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+)/i); $pack_month=$Month{$pack_month}; $cur_pack_date_time = $pack_year . $pack_month . $pack_day . $pack_hour . $pack_min; if ($cur_pack_date_time > $last_check_date_time) { ($unpack_year,$unpack_month,$unpack_day,$unpack_hour,$unpack_min) = ($cur_pack_date_time =~ /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/); $cur_pack_date_time = "$unpack_month-$unpack_day-$unpack_year $unpack_hour:$unpack_min"; $package_date_hash{ $pack_name } = $cur_pack_date_time; } } } close(IN); # $? var checks return value from wget. If it's not 0 something bad happened. Send email. Exit. if ($? != 0) { $mail_body = "Wget could not retrieve the webpage correctly.\n\nTry the command below (remove -q) and see if there is a problem.\n\n$wget $url_of_filelist\n"; $mail_subject = "Wget command in script $0 did not exit correctly!"; send_email ($mail_subject,$mail_body); exit(); } # Update date-time file with the new current date write_current_date(); # If data exists in the hash then the package page was updated. # Send an e-mail about it. if (%package_date_hash) { while ( ($key, $value) = each(%package_date_hash) ) { $mail_body .= "Date/Time: $value Package: $key\n"; } $mail_subject = "OpenBSD $version package update!"; send_email ($mail_subject,$mail_body); } # Subroutine to update a file with a date/time stamp of the # last time a update check was run. sub write_current_date { open(LAST_CHECK2,">$lastcheck_date_time_filename") or die("Cannot open file to set date."); print LAST_CHECK2 "$Cur_date_time"; close(LAST_CHECK2); } # Send email subroutine. $_[0],$_[1] is accessing the @_ var. sub send_email { open (MAIL,"| $sendmail") or die "Can't access $sendmail for sending the e-mail\n"; print MAIL "To: $to\n"; print MAIL "Cc: $cc\n" if $cc; print MAIL "Bcc: $bcc\n" if $bcc; print MAIL "From: $from\n"; print MAIL "Subject: $_[0]\n\n"; print MAIL "$_[1]"; close MAIL; }