If you ever get messages like this:
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM Windows NT could not start because the below file is missing or corrupt: c:\WINNT\System32\Ntoskrnl.exe Windows NT could not start because the below file is missing or corrupt: c:\WINNT\System32\HAL.dll NTLDR is Missing Press any key to restart Invalid boot.ini Press any key to restart
when trying to boot Windows XP your not alone. This happens to more people than you would think and sometimes it's easy to correct when you know what to type at the Windows Recovery Console. Well, I read a great article about some commands you can use to fix these problems. I'll relist info from the article below so I don't forget this the next time some XP machine puke's it's guts.
First, you can attempt to repair the above errors by starting Windows setup using the original Windows XP CD-ROM. This is done by placing the orginal Windows XP CD into the CD-ROM drive and booting from it. You might need to go into your BIOS to make sure your boot priority is set to try booting from the CD-ROM drive first. Usually you can get into your BIOS by pushing the "Delete" key right when the computer is starting. After the CD has booted to Windows XP setup screen you'll see an option for selecting 'R' to start repair console. Push the "r" key on the keyboard and it should bring you to the Windows Recovery Console. Select "1" for the drive to fix usually there is only one selection to choose. Then if your prompted for the administrator password type that in an hit the "enter" key.
Now onto the commands. From the C:\windows prompt they are:
CD ..
CHKDSK c: /r /f
ATTRIB ?H C:\boot.ini
ATTRIB ?S C:\boot.ini
ATRIB ?R C:\boot.ini
del boot.ini
Before we execute the next command let's read about what's is going to happen.
After execution the command BOOTCFG /Rebuild will ask you some questions. The answers are as follows:
Add installation to the boot list? Y Enter Load Identifier: Windows XP Enter OS load Options: /FASTDETECT /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN /\ || Set the /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN only if you have CPU featuring Intel's XD or AMD's NX buffer overflow protection. If not then just leave it off. Any processor made after 2005 probably has this built in. Intel implemented this feature in x86 processors beginning with the Pentium 4 processors based on the core codenamed Prescott. If you have an AMD 64bit processor then you should have NX overflow protection. Also, no need to turn it on unless you are installing Windows XP Service pack 2 or higher. Same for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or higher.
Now that you know what to do execute the last 2 commands.
BOOTCFG /Rebuild
After that the FIXBOOT command asks "Sure you want to write a new bootsector to the partition C:?". Answer "Y" for yes. Then at the prompt type "exit". This should reboot the computer. Take the cdrom out of the drive before the boot process starts and hopefully your back up and running.
A last note for anyone having boot loader problems (you know who you are) the command to over write another boot loader like Grub or LILO is: