I got nailed with windows 2003 server sp1's new Data Execution Protection (DEP) (stack protection) today. I was trying to install the nagios NS Client program on a server with DEP turned on. When you tried to start the nagios agent service you would get "System Error 1067 has occurred". Which means the process was aborted and windows says "The process terminated unexpectedly". To make an exception for certain programs to run without DEP you need to do the following in W2k3 SP1: Right click "My Computer" then "Properties". Click the "Advanced" tab then click the "Settings" button under the "Performance" section. Click on the "Data Execution Prevention" tab and then click the radio button "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select". Then click the "Add" button and add your exe you don't want stack protection for. That problem was fun to hunt down.