Below are some bits and pieces of Javascript I've collected over the years that have come in handy.
Submit a form on a timer(in milliseconds).
A function that calls other functions to execute.
//if all functions return true then all systems go! function RunAllFunctions() { if(Function1() && Function2() && Function3()) { return true; } else { return false; } }
Send browser to a certian url. Some examples.
window.location.href = ''; top.location.href = ''; parent.location='';
Keep your javascript in file on the server.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" src="javascript/javascriptfile.js"></script>
Rename a fieldname. Good for PHP arrays submitted by a form when the form name has "[]" in the name.
//rename list items for php array"list1[]";"list2[]";
Keep a person from going back to a page the just came from.
Copy values from one frame to another.Copy from frame's name "copyFrom".Copy to frame's name "copyTo".
parent.copyTo.document.formname.fieldname.value = parent.copyFrom.document.formname.fieldname.value; //copy drop downs value if (parent.copyTo.document.formname.fieldname.options[parent.copyTo.document.formname.fieldname.selectedIndex].value == whatever){ parent.copyFrom.document.formname.fieldname.value = "whatever" }