My favorite Unix programs I use with with either Gnome or KDE. I also threw in a few useful terminal programs.
Program | Description |
gFTP | Graphical FTP/SFTP Client. |
Rdesktop | Client program used to connect to M$ RDP (Terminal Server). |
OpenOffice | Wordprocessing/Spreadsheet/HTML Editor/Drawing/Math Formulas/Presentation Programs. |
Vi or Pico or Emacs or Nano | Terminal text editors. |
Gimp | Graphics editing/manipulation. |
Qiv | Quick picture viewer |
Pan | Newsgroup reader. |
gThumb or Gwenview | Image viewers with thumbnail viewers. |
Sylpheed or Mutt or Evolution or Kmail or Thunderbird | E-mail clients. |
Quanta Plus or NVU | HTML Editors. |
XChat or BitchX | IRC chat programs. One for Xfree86 and one for a terminal respectively. |
Mozilla or Firefox or Opera | Web browser/E-mail Client/HTML Editor. |
XMMS | Music Player. |
Pidgin | Chat program that works with AOL but has plugins for most other popular chat programs. |
XMAME | Plays old arcade games (ROMS). You need to have ROM images for it to work. |
XPDF | PDF reader. |
XCHM or arCHMage | CFM (M$ compiled HTML file) reader. Files have .chm extention. |
MGT (Multi Gnome Terminal) or Konsole | Terminal programs with tabs. |
Mplayer or Xine or Videolan | Video/DVD player (AVI,MOV,MPEG,WMV,ASF,DIVIX). |
Scribus | Page layout and desktop publishing. |
Gnu Cash | Accounting program. Track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. |
Blender | 3D modeller/renderer. |
Network Shark or tcpdump | A Network Protocol Analyzer. |
MusE | MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities. Complete multitrack virtual studio. |
Avidemux | A graphical tool to edit video (filter/re-encode/split) |
Snow News | Terminal based RSS news reader. |
k9copy | DVDShrink like program. Rips dvd's and if need be compresses them to fit onto one dvd. |
K3b | CD/DVD burning program |
Easytag | Mp3 renaming program |
GTKPod | Transfer files to your ipod |
Bittornado,Bittorrent,rtorrent | Bittorrent clients |
Photorec and Testdisk | Opensource file recovery software (on knoppix cd) |
Conky | System resource monitor |
Multitail | To watch multiple system logs at once. |
Qemu | Generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. |
Stellarium | Planetarium software that shows exactly what you see when you look up at the stars. |
MythTv | MythTV is a homebrew PVR software. |